U septembru 69,8 odsto više putnika nego u istom mesecu prošle godine

Srpska nacionalna avio-kompanija ovog jutra prevezla je svog 2-milionitog putnika u 2022. godini. Er Srbija je od početka godine do kraja septembra prevezla oko 1,700,000 putnika u redovnom i više od 300,000 putnika u čarter saobraćaju.

Er Srbija je tokom septembra iz Beograda prevezla više od 300,000 putnika što je za 69,8 odsto više u odnosu na isti mesec 2021. godine i najbolji septembarski rezultat od 2013. godine, od kada kompanija posluje pod današnjim imenom. Tokom tog meseca realizovano je više od 3,400 letova, od čega je preko 2,900 bilo na redovnim destinacijama, a gotovo 500 na čarterima.

„Iako je sezona godišnjih odmora praktično prošla, letnja sezona u avio-industriji još uvek traje. Kao što je uobičajeno, potražnja za letovima tokom septembra nešto je manja u odnosu na jul i avgust, koji su bili rekordni meseci po broju prevezenih putnika, ali je i dalje izuzetno visoka za ovaj period godine. Zahvaljujući poverenju koje nam putnici ukazuju, tokom 2022. godine zabeležili smo izuzetne rezultate. U septembru smo prevezli našeg 20-milionitog putnika od kada poslujemo pod imenom Er Srbija, a sada i 2-milionitog putnika od početka 2022. godine. Idemo u susret novim rekordima, neprekidno se trudeći da proširimo našu ponudu novim, još atraktivnijim destinacijama,“ rekao je Boško Rupić, direktor komercijale i strategije Er Srbije.

Letnja sezona zvanično se završava krajem oktobra. U narednom periodu, Er Srbija će prestati da leti do ovogodišnjih sezonskih linija, ali kompanija već uvodi nove destinacije. Kao što je ranije najavljeno, od 31. oktobra, Er Srbija pokreće direktne letove ka Malti, dva puta nedeljno. Više informacija o aktivnostima srpskog nacionalnog avio-prevoznika možete pronaći na sajtu kompanije: www.airserbia.com

69.8 percent more passengers in September than last year


This morning, the Serbian national airline carried its 2-millionth passenger in 2022. From the beginning of the year until the end of September, Air Serbia carried approximately 1,700,000 passengers on scheduled flights and more than 300,000 on charter flights.

During September, Air Serbia carried more than 300,000 passengers from Belgrade, which is 69,8 percent more than in the same month in 2021, and this is the best result for September since 2013 when the company began operating under its current name. More than 3,400 flights have been carried out during September, of which 2,900 were scheduled, and almost 500 charter flights.

“Even though the vacation season has practically passed, the summer season in the airline industry is still ongoing. As usual, demand for flights during September is somewhat lower than in July and August, which were record-setting months in terms of the number of passengers carried, but is still very high for this period of the year. Thanks to the trust shown to us by our passengers, during 2022, we have achieved excellent results. In September, we carried our 20-millionth passenger since we had started operating under the name of Air Serbia, and now also our 2-millionth passenger since the start of 2022. We are heading toward new records, constantly striving to expand our offer with new, even more attractive destinations,” said Boško Rupić, General Manager Commercial and Strategy, Air Serbia.

The summer season will officially end at the end of October. In the upcoming period, Air Serbia will stop flying to this year’s seasonal destinations, but the company is already adding new ones. As announced earlier, starting on 31 October, Air Serbia will launch a direct service to Malta, two times a week.

You can find more information about the activities of the Serbian national airline on the company’s website: https://www.airserbia.com/en/.