Er Srbija je tokom novembra u redovnom i čarter saobraćaju prevezla više od 200.000 putnika, što je najveći broj putnika za taj mesec od 2013. godine, od kada kompanija posluje pod sadašnjim imenom. Tokom novembra, koji u ovom delu sveta važi za jedan od meseci sa najnižim intenzitetom saobraćaja, srpska nacionalna avio-kompanija ostvarila je rast od 113 odsto u broju prevezenih putnika, odnosno dvostruko više nego u novembru 2021. godine. U poređenju sa novembrom rekordne 2019. godine takođe je zabeleženo povećanje i to od 15 odsto.

Za prvih jedanaest meseci ove godine prevezli smo preko 2.500.000 putnika. To je milion putnika više u odnosu na prošlu godinu. Kada pogledamo unazad, najuspešnija godina Er Srbije bila je 2019. kada smo, od januara do novembra, prevezli tek za četiri odsto više putnika nego ove godine. Nastavljamo da pratimo kretanje i nadamo se da su dobri rezultati u 2022. godini uvod za još bolju 2023, -izjavio je Boško Rupić, direktor komercijale i strategije Er Srbije.

Tokom novembra, Er Srbija je obavila 2.536 letova sa matičnog beogradskog aerodroma, kao i aerodroma u Nišu i Kraljevu, čime je za 10 odsto premašila ukupan broj letova iz novembra 2019. godine. Neke od najtraženijih destinacija tokom novembra bile su Pariz, Njujork, Cirih, London, Istanbul, Podgorica i Amsterdam.

Više informacija o aktivnostima srpskog nacionalnog avio-prevoznika možete pronaći na stranici Medija centra Er Srbije.


During November, Air Serbia transported more than 200,000 passengers on scheduled and charter flights, which is the highest number of passengers for that month since 2013, when the company began operating under its current name. During November, which is believed to be one of the months with the lowest traffic in this part of the world, the Serbian airline had a 113 percent growth in the number of passengers carried, i.e., more than twice as much as in November 2021. Compared to November in the record-setting year 2019, a 15 percent increase was reported.

In the first eleven months of this year, we carried over 2,500,000 passengers. That’s a million passengers more than last year. When we look back, Air Serbia’s most successful year was 2019, when we have, in the period from January to November, carried only four percent more passengers than this year. We are continuing to monitor the trends and we hope that the good results in 2022 are an overture into an even better 2023,” – said Boško Rupić, General Manager Commercial and Strategy, Air Serbia.

During November, Air Serbia operated 2,536 flights from its hub in Belgrade, as well as from the airports in Niš and Kraljevo, surpassing the total number of flights from November 2019 by 10 percent. Some of the most popular destinations in November were Paris, New York, Zurich, London, Istanbul, Podgorica, and Amsterdam.

You can find more information about the activities of the Serbian national airline on the Air Serbia Media Centre webpage.