Nova destinacija srpske nacionalne avio-kompanije u Španiji
Srpska nacionalna avio-kompanija uspostavlja direktne letove na relaciji između Beograda i Malage. Biće to peta destinacija u Španiji na koju će Er Srbija leteti ove godine. Letovi će se obavljati, dva puta nedeljno, četvrtkom i nedeljom. Karte su već u prodaji, počev od 99 evra po smeru u ekonomskoj klasi. Nakon obnavljanja letova za Maltu, Malaga je druga destinacija koju Er Srbija uvodi u ovoj zimskoj sezoni.
“Otvaranjem Malage kao nove destinacije, Er Srbija dodatno osnažuje svoje prisustvo u Španiji i putnicima nudi još bolju povezanost sa ovom mediteranskom zemljom. Letovi do svih gradova Španije, do kojih leti naša kompanija, beleže veoma dobru popunjenost tokom cele godine. Verujemo da će Malaga putnicima biti atraktivna koliko i Barselona, Madrid, Majorka i Valensija,” izjavio je Boško Rupić, direktor za komercijalu i strategiju Er Srbije.
Grad Malaga nastao je u VIII veku, na samom jugu Španije, u pokrajini Andaluzija. Nalazi se na Obali Sunca (Costa del Sol) i ima oko 300 sunčanih dana godišnje. Poznata je po mnogobrojnim istorijskim i kulturnim znamenitostima, poput utvrđenja La Alkazaba (La Alcazaba), zamka Gibralfaro (Castillo de Gibralfaro), Pikasovog muzeja i Centra savremene umetnosti (Centro de Arte Contemporáneo de Málaga). Ovaj, šesti grad po veličini u Španiji, rodno je mesto čuvenog Pabla Pikasa.
Letovi do Malage obavljaće se sa Aerodroma Nikola Tesla Beograd. Red letenja na ovoj liniji osmišljen je tako da putnicima pruža pogodne konekcije sa brojnim gradovima iz mreže Er Srbije poput Atine, Beča, Bukurešta, Ljubljane, Istanbula, Podgorice, Skoplja, Zagreba i drugih.
Broj leta | Datum prvog leta | Frekvencija | Mesto polaska | Vreme polaska | Destinacija | Vreme dolaska | Trajanje leta |
JU 0576 | 18-Dec-22 | Nedelja | Beograd (BEG) | 07:50 | Malaga (AGP) | 11:25 | 03:35 |
JU 0577 | 18-Dec-22 | Nedelja | Malaga (AGP) | 12:30 | Beograd (BEG) | 15:40 | 03:10 |
JU 0578 | 22-Dec-22 | Četvrtak | Beograd (BEG) | 10:05 | Malaga (AGP) | 13:40 | 03:35 |
JU 0579 | 22-Dec-22 | Četrvtak | Malaga (AGP) | 14:25 | Beograd (BEG) | 17:35 | 03:10 |
* Sva vremena su lokalna
Više informacija o aktivnostima srpskog nacionalnog avio-prevoznika možete pronaći na stranici Medija centra Er Srbije.

Serbian national airline’s new destination in Spain
The Serbian national airline is commencing a direct service between Belgrade and Malaga. It will be the fifth destination in Spain that Air Serbia will fly to this year. Flights will be operated twice a week, on Thursdays and Sundays. Tickets are already available at the starting price of 99 euros one way in Economy. After the renewal of the Malta flights, Malaga will be the second destination Air Serbia will introduce for this winter season.
“By introducing Malaga as a new destination, Air Serbia is further enhancing its presence in Spain and offering passengers even better connections to this Mediterranean country. Flights to all cities in Spain operated by our company have recorded very good cabin load factors throughout the year. We believe that Malaga will be as attractive to our passengers as Barcelona, Madrid, Palma de Mallorca, and Valencia,” said Boško Rupić, General Manager, Commercial and Strategy, Air Serbia.
The city of Malaga was founded in the 8th century, at the southernmost end of Spain, in the Andalusia province. It is located on the Coast of the Sun (Costa del Sol) and it has approximately 300 sunny days a year. It is known for numerous historical and cultural landmarks, such as the La Alcazaba, Gibralfaro Castle, Picasso Museum, and Málaga’s Centre of Contemporary Art. This city, the sixth biggest in Spain, is the birthplace of the famous painter Pablo Picasso.
Flights to Malaga will be operated from Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport. The flight schedule for this route was designed to offer passengers favorable connections to numerous cities in Air Serbia’s network, such as Athens, Vienna, Bucharest, Ljubljana, Istanbul, Podgorica, Skopje, Zagreb, and others.
Flt Desg | Eff Date | Freq | Dept Arp | Dept Time | Arvl Arp | Arrv Time | Block Time |
JU 0576 | 18-Dec-22 | Sunday | Belgrade (BEG) | 07:50 | Malaga (AGP) | 11:25 | 03:35 |
JU 0577 | 18-Dec-22 | Sunday | Malaga (AGP) | 12:30 | Belgrade (BEG) | 15:40 | 03:10 |
JU 0578 | 22-Dec-22 | Thursday | Belgrade (BEG) | 10:05 | Malaga (AGP) | 13:40 | 03:35 |
JU 0579 | 22-Dec-22 | Thursday | Malaga (AGP) | 14:25 | Belgrade (BEG) | 17:35 | 03:10 |
* All times are local
You can find more information about the activities of the Serbian national airline on the Air Serbia Media Centre web page.