Zbog smanjenog kapaciteta zemaljskog opsluživanja na aerodromu Hitrou u Londonu usled nedostatka ljudstva, Er Srbija je bila prinuđena da otkaže današnji (nedelja, 26. jun 2022. godine) drugi let između Beograda i Londona JU 386, a posledično i povratni let JU 387. To je drugi let iz Londona koji je Er Srbija morala da otkaže u poslednja dva dana iz istih razloga, po dobijanju informacije sa aerodroma Hitrou da nije moguća opsluga popodnevnog leta.
Nadležne službe Er Srbija neprekidno rade na zbrinjavanju svih putnika sa tih letova, pre svega preusmeravanjem na kasnije ili alternativne letove, odnosno obezbeđivanjem hotelskog smeštaja. Za sve to vreme, Er Srbija se trudi da se za putnike obezbedi osveženje, kao i pravovremeno informisanje. Kompanija angažuje i dodatne resurse da bi se unapredila podrška putnicima.
Er Srbija je angažovala neophodno ljudstvo i avione iz svoje flote i bila je spremna da u punom kapacitetu obavi saobraćaj na vreme i u skladu sa planiranim redom letenja. S druge strane, Er Srbija nažalost ne može da utiče na spremnost aerodroma sa kojih i na koje leti, pa je stoga i pored dobre pripremljenosti nacionalne avio-kompanije ovaj let nažalost morao da bude otkazan.

Due to the lack of ground handling capacity at Heathrow Airport in London because of the staff shortage, Air Serbia was forced to cancel today’s (Sunday, June 26, 2022) second flight between Belgrade and London JU 386, and consequently the return flight JU 387. That is the second flight from London that Air Serbia had to cancel in the last two days for the same reasons, after receiving information from Heathrow Airport that an afternoon flight’s ground handling was not possible.
The relevant departments of Air Serbia are constantly working on taking care of all passengers from those flights, primarily by redirecting to later or alternative flights, or by providing hotel accommodation. During all that time, Air Serbia is trying to provide refreshments for passengers, as well as timely information. The company is also engaging additional resources to improve passenger support.
Air Serbia engaged the necessary personnel and aircraft from its fleet and was ready to operate at full capacity on time and in accordance with the planned flight schedule. On the other hand, Air Serbia, unfortunately, cannot influence the readiness of the airports from which and to which it flies, so despite the good preparation of the national airline, this flight unfortunately had to be canceled.