Usled tehničkih poteškoća na Aerodromu Nikola Tesla Beograd, više letova Er Srbije tokom popodneva i večeri koji su planirani za sletanje u Beograd biće preusmereno na Aerodrom „Konstantin Veliki“ u Nišu.
S druge strane, iz istih razloga, više letova koji su tokom popodneva i večeri planirani za polazak iz Beograda zabeležiće kašnjenje.

Er Srbija je u stalnom kontaktu sa nadležnim službama beogradskog aerodroma i spremna je da normalizuje saobraćaj, čim tehničke poteškoće na Aerodromu budu otklonjeni.
Redirection and postponing of a number of Air Serbia’s flight
Due to technical difficulties at Airport Nikola Tesla Belgrade, several Air Serbia flights scheduled to land in Belgrade during the afternoon and evening will be diverted to “Konstantin the Great” Airport in Niš.
On the other hand, for the same reasons, several flights scheduled to depart from Belgrade during the afternoon and evening will be delayed.

Air Serbia is in constant contact with the competent services of the Belgrade Airport and is ready to normalize traffic as soon as the technical difficulties at the airport are resolved